This page records the courses that are relavent. The links are for reference only.
- 10-315 Introduction to Machine Learning (SCS majors) by Pat Virtue
- 36-401 Modern Regression by Alex Reinhart
- 36-402 Advanced Data Analysis by Cosma Shalizi
- 16-385 Computer Vision by Matthew P. O'Toole
- 10-423 Generative AI by Mattrew Gormley
- 10-701 Introduction to Machine Learning (Ph.D) by Henry Chai
- 11-711 Advanced Natural Language Processing by Graham Neubig
- 36-700 Probability and Mathematical Statistics by Anne Lee
- 10-708 Probablistic Graphical Models by Tianqi Chen & Zico Kolter
- 10-714 Deep Learning Systems: Algorithms and Implementation Albert Gu & Andrej Risteski
Courses that I am planing to take